Review – Mind Hacker #1

Review – Mind Hacker #1

Written by: Luke Halsall

Artwork: Chris Manson

Published: Kickstarter

Available: Pledge and find out!


Mind Hacker is a comic book by Luke Halsall and Chris Manson. It revolves around Dr Clive Eagles, a cat who transplants personalities. But when their top notch doctor has the darkest secret of all how can they continue…?

…When he has not completed his most recent training module. Dun dun dun.

Writer – Luke Halsall

Luke Halsall is a SICBA nominated comic book writer. He has written for a variety of publishers including markosia, Grayhaven, Analogue press, Watercloset Press and Avery Hill Publishing. His comic book series Out of Time garnered much critical acclaim. Halsall worked on a re imagining of a DC Thompson character called Johnny Jett with John Grieve. Halsall was part of Trongate Publishing that worked with Cineworld to deliver their comic Comicsworld to every Cineworld in Scotland on the night Avengers Endgame and The Incredibles 2 were released.

Artist – Chris Manson

Chris Manson is a writer and artist based in Glasgow. He creates genre fiction comics that weave together his Scottish and Chinese heritages.

His best-known work is as an illustrator for The Ferret, Scotland’s independent investigative journalism platform. He has recently been selected as an Artist In Residence for the Enough! Climate Awareness project.


Have you even wondered what would happen if you mixed Felix the Cat with Viz and a pinch of Douglas Adams? Luke dared to wonder and what he got was Mind Hacker. This anarchic breath of fresh air does what it says on the time, he’s a cat that hacks minds.. well when he isn’t forced to think of ways out of mandated HR training. We’ve all been there when a manager or HR person tells us we need to to torture ourselves with an ergonomics course or similar.

Manson style of artwork sits between Popeye and Tin Tin, it’s bright fresh and silly. I love the little cloud captain floating above the new body he’s been transplanted in as well as the mad Marisha and Danny. Danny is infamous for enthusiastically talking about toilets , some much so he caused a planet to be enslaved. The poster below could be sold separately and make loads with different sayings. I can image things like not another birthday whip round or staff bonding day.

Overall Thoughts

This was a fresh little 15 minute read and I have to admit I finished the book with a smile on my face. The disparate characters, situations and plot devices somehow add up to a brilliant anarchic issue. For £2 you too can get a smile over on Kickstarter. It’s only been up for ten days and already has smashed over half of it’s very reasonable £700 target. Four Star Fun all the way.

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Thanks to Luke for a free copy to allow us to review Mind Hacker #1

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Michael Lennox

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T'was a cold dark night in East Kilbride... and below the roundabouts, something old and ancient began to shudder awake. The world would rue the day that it gave the Green Jaguar comics to read!

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